Yoga is both preventive and therapeutic and has shown to offer both physical and mental benefits to the body and mind. The Yoga “postures” are the physical positions that coordinate breath with movement and we hold these positions to stretch and strengthen different parts of the body.
They systematically work all the major muscle groups, including the back, neck, and shoulders, deep abdominals, hip and buttock muscles and even small joints such as ankles, feet, wrist and hands.
In a world where the sporting stakes are getting ever higher and athletes are looking to make marginal gains wherever they can, yoga can be an added tool in their armoury. Following a yoga class tailored to the specific needs of their sport and their own range of movement can help an athlete increase the length of their career or at least help them be less injury prone throughout their career.
Most poses are non-aerobic in nature, they send oxygen to the cells in the body by way of conscious deep breathing and sustained stretching and contraction of different muscle groups.
General Benefits of Yoga for Athletes:
- Improved efficiency in movement.
- Enhanced range of movement.
- Build flexibility
- Helps maintain concentration.
- Sports injury prevention.
- Better sense of balance and proprioception.
- Active recovery after matches or training.