Online Services

Looking to improve your health and well-being using natural and holistic approaches? Dr.Shines online Ayurvedic wellness consultation may be just what you need! This includes treatment you can practice at home, Dietary modifications as well as prescribing internal herbal medication that can be procured in your city or I can sent it you for an additional charge.
Week 1 – First consultation for 90 mins followed by a detailed prescription including recommended dietary changes and therapeutic yoga for a specific health condition.
Week 2 – Follow-up consultation for 45 mins.
Week 4 -Review for 30 mins on the progress made during the month from the time of the first consultation.
£95 (all-inclusive for a month)
General Consultation: 90 mins consultation + 45 mins follow-up + 30 mins review
Dr.Shine will guide you through a variety of yoga practices, from gentle hatha flow to power yoga, all from the comfort of your own space. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced yogi, our classes are designed to meet you where you are and help you grow in your practice.
On your private online Hatha Yoga classes, you can:
- Receive personalized attention and modifications from Shine.
- Address specific health concerns or injuries.
- Work at your own pace and level of intensity
- Schedule sessions at a time that is convenient for you.
- Experience the benefits of yoga in a private and supportive environment
60 Minutes: £35
30 Minutes: £18
Group Classes: £7